Writing is my Passion, my Joy, my Love...

Its probably comparable to those cravings experienced by pregnant women,
That undying urge to satisfy and fill your soul with the Only remedy possible...
Like 'The Highlander' who seemed to gain strength with every head his powerful sword claimed, I feel just as mighty every time I hold a pen between my fingers...
Well self praise is no praise, So go ahead, yes YOU and see for yourself,,,and By the way,,,Thanks for your support!

CoCoa Chanel xoxo.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

From her heart...

This is a song written by Tenica Akeyda John ( in memory of her father)

Why you left me so, When I was two, I did not know you,
But it is okay, I still Love you and I hope you rest in peace.
Without a father it is not easy, I know you love me and i know you love mom too!


Why you doing this to me
Why you breaking my heart
Why you hurting me so
O, I want to know
Why you left me, left me so.


I hope you know me, I am ten years old,
I know you,,,Christopher, if it was not for you
I would not be singing this song O
That's why I am singing this song
I have a brother I do not know
I had a father I do not know.

Why you doing this to me, why, why, why,,,why, why
Why you breaking my heart,,,My heart yo,
Why you hurting me so,,,hurting me
Why you left me, left me so.

Rise and Shine

To Rise means to lift higher or to be lifted up.

To Shine means to illuminate.

Together they mean...

Lift yourself higher and show the world the light within You.

So ppl Rise and Shine

Sand Paper

When you have to put up with mean people
Think of them as sandpaper
They may scratch you, Rub you the wrong way,
But eventually...
You end up smooth and polished.
And the sandpaper, Well it'll be worn and ugly,
Makes you think doesn't it?
Never lose sight of who you are,
Because You are the best thing God ever created.
Embrace Your Gift!!!