Writing is my Passion, my Joy, my Love...

Its probably comparable to those cravings experienced by pregnant women,
That undying urge to satisfy and fill your soul with the Only remedy possible...
Like 'The Highlander' who seemed to gain strength with every head his powerful sword claimed, I feel just as mighty every time I hold a pen between my fingers...
Well self praise is no praise, So go ahead, yes YOU and see for yourself,,,and By the way,,,Thanks for your support!

CoCoa Chanel xoxo.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

The Ugly Duckling

I believe I have a fair understanding of the way life works, it took me an entire 27 years to reach this point, and I am happy, I won't say I wish I knew what I know now, back whenever, But if I could rewind time, I would have done things alot different, but its my life, my circumstances, trials, struggles, that make ME who I am, And I know I don't always make the right choices, but I always make the best choice at that moment.

They say age brings reasoning, and that is 100% true. If u believe that I am that same misunderstood teenager searching for her identity in this life, you're wrong. If you want to judge me on my past mistakes, you can go right ahead,,,What you think, say or feel about me, still will not make me that.

Someone asked me if I regret certain personal decisions and circumstances I've made and been through, as though I should, and actually tried to convince me that I should, because of the consequences I faced as a result, O hell No, I Do Not have regrets, I am a strong, courageous, inspirational black woman, and it was my survival through those trials that made me that way. I've learnt first hand that every action has a reaction, I've learnt to take responsiblity for my actions, I've learnt that who God bless No man shall curse, I've learnt to love myself despite of, I've learnt endurance, I've learnt to make sacrfices. I have learnt pain so I am now open to experience healing, I have learnt sadness, so now I can appreciate happiness, I have been hated so now I know how to Love.

So to you all that label me based on what you've heard(like if I care), or judge me Only by my faults(as if U have none), You do that, I'll just be too busy (enjoying life and sharing it with those that matter) to care. I do Not owe anybody a damn thing, I do Not have to prove anything to anyone. I know Who I am and What I am worth.
To you all who feel like if you're in my shoes, Hold Strong, it Does get better. Remember the story of the "Ugly Duckling" who grew into the most magnificent swan in that entire pond,,,That's You, that's Me, that's Us.
Be proud of You, there is No one else like You and there will Never be again.

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