Writing is my Passion, my Joy, my Love...
Its probably comparable to those cravings experienced by pregnant women,
That undying urge to satisfy and fill your soul with the Only remedy possible...
Like 'The Highlander' who seemed to gain strength with every head his powerful sword claimed, I feel just as mighty every time I hold a pen between my fingers...
Well self praise is no praise, So go ahead, yes YOU and see for yourself,,,and By the way,,,Thanks for your support!
CoCoa Chanel xoxo.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Grahame (because I had to)
I remember the very first time we met in person as if it happened today (I wish)
I remember the feelings I felt while I waited for you, I remember the very first time I saw You.
I remember the very first time I looked into your beautiful eyes,
And it was at that moment I knew You were very special,
It was at that very moment I loved You, and I haven't stopped since then.
When I saw you approaching me at the mall that day, I was scared, I was tempted to run, not only because I suddenly wondered what the hell am I doing,,,but, mostly because you were so not my type, in fact, you were completely opposite, but for some reason, as you took the last few steps toward me, I caught your eyes, and its your eyes Gray, they compelled me to stay! I had never looked into eyes like yours...I saw strength, secrets, hurts, pain, but glorious passion. You have the most beautiful and mesmerising eyes I have ever gazed into and above everything, I miss looking into your eyes the most. When You looked at me I felt naked, I felt revealed, I felt open, uncovered and exposed, I felt like You gazed at my soul, You saw through my facade, You were real. and You saw the real Chenelle, and Nobody, not a single soul has ever and probably will ever see what your eyes saw.
With you from day one I felt comfortable, and relaxed, but, I was also very in awe of you, I was completely enthralled by everything about you, and what made matters worse...I was recovering from a bout of emotional trauma, and the window dressing my very vulnerable self usually hid behind, was useless against you, So most times I was always like a fish out of water around You. It was You who saw Chenelle and coaxed Chenelle to come out, It was You who made Chenelle feel safe to step forward, made Chenelle feel safe to Shine. Chenelle came out for You!
When You left, whether she pushed you away or not, Your absence left her suddenly exposed, suddenly insecure, suddenly scared, and needing of the safety and security your presence brought. Chenelle was in a tailspin, and had been for a complete year. For a complete year she was utterly depressed, she lived in denial, and regret, self pity, self hate...The facade she had long buried, was now fighting to re-emerge, This semblance hated this vulnerable Chenelle or atleast everything it has to do to hide, numb, and paralyze Chenelle and her feelings, just to protect her, because Chenelle just couldn't get over you, Chenelle was just too heartbroken to live without You Gray, I tried so hard to get up but sometimes even breathing was a challenge. So after a complete year Chenelle decided to take comfort once again behind that Front which was stronger, almost heartless, almost merciless, almost the complete opposite to who Chenelle really is.
Only problem now, is that Chenelle missed being the front runner more than she missed you, Now, anything else but Chenelle doesn't even feel good, Chenelle could no longer be contented to take the backseat, She had grown to love herself, she wanted to be Chenelle all the time,,, she wanted people to know Chenelle, its like Chenelle had grown so much in her time outside that she just could not fit back there anymore, even if she wanted, it just was impossible, she longed for another taste, so as much as she was scared to be outside without you Gray, it suddenly became Necessary, as much as she felt to die, I had to live, as much as she cried I had to smile. So Chenelle re-emerged and this time I burnt that bridge that lead back to anything that didn't represent Who I truly am.
So now I, Chenelle, has re-emerged with out You as my safety net, I am forced to be strong on my own, I am forced to shine on my own, I am forced to protect myself because there is none to do so for me... and that's a good thing, No, a great thing, I have found a strength I never knew I possessed, I have found a new love and respect for myself, I have a new hope in myself, my purpose and what I have the ability to accomplish, I look forward to showing the world Me and what I can bring to the table. And yes I still miss You Gray every single minute of every single day, I still long for you, your touch, your smell, your lips ( I mean your smile ;), and I still love you, probably even more than I ever did love You before, because I really wouldn't want to be where ever I would be without your imprint in my life, So as painful as it was to actually accept you're gone especially under the particular circumstance, I can never regret meeting You, I can never, ever regret loving you, I only regret hurting you and it haunts me and hurts me now that I can't even get a chance to make it up to you, to make it right, It hurts that I can't look into your eyes anymore, I can't see you smile anymore, see you do your stupid little dance with your back anymore, smell your head, pick your pimples, hear you bitch, watch you cook in your undies...Damn!!! I Miss you Alot, BUT now my future looks like it could be as incredible as you were...and that eases the grief, and gives me something to look forward to, something to work toward, something to redirect my time, energy and passion into.

Long and Short...You are by far the best person I have known, You have done more for me in your absence than anyone's presence could ever do...and I Love You Forever for this...So from the depths of my soul I Thank you and I Bless You...mwah!!!
I remember the feelings I felt while I waited for you, I remember the very first time I saw You.
I remember the very first time I looked into your beautiful eyes,
And it was at that moment I knew You were very special,
It was at that very moment I loved You, and I haven't stopped since then.
When I saw you approaching me at the mall that day, I was scared, I was tempted to run, not only because I suddenly wondered what the hell am I doing,,,but, mostly because you were so not my type, in fact, you were completely opposite, but for some reason, as you took the last few steps toward me, I caught your eyes, and its your eyes Gray, they compelled me to stay! I had never looked into eyes like yours...I saw strength, secrets, hurts, pain, but glorious passion. You have the most beautiful and mesmerising eyes I have ever gazed into and above everything, I miss looking into your eyes the most. When You looked at me I felt naked, I felt revealed, I felt open, uncovered and exposed, I felt like You gazed at my soul, You saw through my facade, You were real. and You saw the real Chenelle, and Nobody, not a single soul has ever and probably will ever see what your eyes saw.

Only problem now, is that Chenelle missed being the front runner more than she missed you, Now, anything else but Chenelle doesn't even feel good, Chenelle could no longer be contented to take the backseat, She had grown to love herself, she wanted to be Chenelle all the time,,, she wanted people to know Chenelle, its like Chenelle had grown so much in her time outside that she just could not fit back there anymore, even if she wanted, it just was impossible, she longed for another taste, so as much as she was scared to be outside without you Gray, it suddenly became Necessary, as much as she felt to die, I had to live, as much as she cried I had to smile. So Chenelle re-emerged and this time I burnt that bridge that lead back to anything that didn't represent Who I truly am.
So now I, Chenelle, has re-emerged with out You as my safety net, I am forced to be strong on my own, I am forced to shine on my own, I am forced to protect myself because there is none to do so for me... and that's a good thing, No, a great thing, I have found a strength I never knew I possessed, I have found a new love and respect for myself, I have a new hope in myself, my purpose and what I have the ability to accomplish, I look forward to showing the world Me and what I can bring to the table. And yes I still miss You Gray every single minute of every single day, I still long for you, your touch, your smell, your lips ( I mean your smile ;), and I still love you, probably even more than I ever did love You before, because I really wouldn't want to be where ever I would be without your imprint in my life, So as painful as it was to actually accept you're gone especially under the particular circumstance, I can never regret meeting You, I can never, ever regret loving you, I only regret hurting you and it haunts me and hurts me now that I can't even get a chance to make it up to you, to make it right, It hurts that I can't look into your eyes anymore, I can't see you smile anymore, see you do your stupid little dance with your back anymore, smell your head, pick your pimples, hear you bitch, watch you cook in your undies...Damn!!! I Miss you Alot, BUT now my future looks like it could be as incredible as you were...and that eases the grief, and gives me something to look forward to, something to work toward, something to redirect my time, energy and passion into.

Long and Short...You are by far the best person I have known, You have done more for me in your absence than anyone's presence could ever do...and I Love You Forever for this...So from the depths of my soul I Thank you and I Bless You...mwah!!!
Thursday, 4 July 2013
To my Father, my Creator, the Lover of my Soul.
As I near the twenty-ninth year of my existence, I look back at the person I am ,the person I grew into...And I am not pleased,at all, I had/have so many dreams and ideas, aspirations and desires still, hidden in me purposely by envious and inhumanely evil people, my own eyes were blinded to the enemy, and those that work fervently to see my Demise.
But when you are shaped and fashioned by the Creator himself, when you are made in His Image and Likeness and made to be a Ruler, More than a Conqueror, the Creator Himself guards you against the many tricks of the Enemy, He opens your eyes and understanding to situations and dangers that surround and aim for you. Personal Stubbornness of course plays a Huge part in the depths of suffering you allow yourself to endure, because it keeps back your growing process and has you trapped in a deadly cycle. But when the Creator has the Last and Only say in what He Created you for, he warns you and delivers you out of the hand of the Enemy, and the people whose sole purpose is to Stop Your Purpose.
I was blessed to have the Creator intervene in my life, Now, I head back Home as the Prodigal Son (well daughter), but I head back to The Arms Of Safety, to My Master, the Only One who knows my true Purpose, my true Worth, my true Abilities and Talents, my true Heart and Mind, it is only He can Activate them all and allow Me to reach Maximum Purpose-filled Existence.
My spirit has been unrest for this entire week, it is the final week before my Twenty-ninth Birthday, I believe a Great Change awaits me, I feel the urge, the desire to change. I feel like Change is Mandatory even, I am not pleased with my level of existence and the role I play in the Universe.that Has To Change asap. feelings and circumstances, bad decisions, and bad intentions has forced situations upon me that has now dictates my future. I am extremely thankful to reach this age, and I Know that The Creator himself Created me with a Magnificent Purpose, and though I myself may get side tracked, misunderstood, misused, advantaged, hurt, lost, blinded, cheated, robbed, raped, beaten, discouraged, etc., The Enemy shall Not rejoice in my destruction, I will Not Fade Away, My Purpose Shall Be fulfilled. I am More Than A Conqueror, and I Declare and Receive these words Into my Life.
Father, I humbly beg for your Forgiveness,Mercy and Protection, I ask you to take complete charge of my Soul, take complete charge of my family, Hide us Under the Rock, which is You, Send your angels to Permanently Encamp around Us, Lord Father, Save me, Have mercy on me, I humbly Bow and Surrender my being, my breathe, my thoughts, my talents/gifts to You and only You, I kneel before You ashamed of my unclean deeds and thoughts, my past is haunting me and as I far I go, As much as I Let Go, it is persistently plotting and working at my Destruction. But this time, this time Will be The Last, No Turning back, and I am Ready.
I have immense Faith the My Lord, My Creator and His Purpose for Me. I trust in Him and His Plans over My Life, His Power surpasses All Others, He is Magnificent and Worthy to Be Praised and I Praise Him.
Thursday, 6 June 2013
It won't Stop...
I came to alot of realizations of late...
I realized that beside blocking my calls and by now you've figured out a way to block my sms, you blocked me on fb, on fricking google, and probably in every possible way I can ever contact you.
Why? Why? Why?
You have cast my memory into the quiet seas of forgetfulness, my name has been dispersed with the sands of a time past...
I thought when someone blocks you, they deny you access to them, I only realized recently that they also deny themself access to you...
Deep down somewhere I liked to believe that ever so often I run across your mind, I also like to think that ever so often you privately browse through my stuff, not because of anything major but because I was some one you knew Very well, you'd think".. I wonder how she's doing..."
This realization that you have indeed moved on completely to the point that you have erased me like a wrong answer, this thought now of knowing that since all those months aback you have not seen me, and refuse to see me, HURTS me like if someone is literally tugging the very life force from my body, I feel shaken and weak, I feel completely and totally worthless, I feel broken and numb, I feel as though I am experiencing shock, I literally felt a part of me die,,, I suddenly felt very alone, insecure and sucidal (just being honest)
A lot of horrible thoughts have taken grip of my brain and I am suddenly floating around in sheer disbelief as you become an illusive dream... now I feel hopeless and stumped, I was still banking on us reuniting, and getting back to our life...Now am all alone chasing the memory of relationships past...unable to accept a realty without you, unable to accept your absence, afraid to slow down and feel the cold chill of loneliness and regret.
I can never truly express just how sorry I am, to not appreciate you Gray, but my intention was never to hurt you, neither to make you hate me, I try to look at the situation from every possible angle and by no means do I believe I was right, but I am not the devil, I never crucify The Christ, I just can not no matter how much I try understand the reasoning behind such harsh repercussions, I did not hurt you to this magnitude, I loved you, I cared so deeply and passionately for you, its like I am paying for every sin I have ever committed , and its very intense, overwhelming, sometimes even unbearable...sometimes i genuinely can't take it, I miss you goddamit, I frickin miss you desperately, i am completely lost and miserable without you...
And it just won't stop.
Thursday, 23 May 2013
The One...(who stopped loving me)
I think about you every minute of every day,
Your memory consumes me,
And eats away at my sanity.
I question your very memory, your exsistance,
I wonder if you were merely an illusive dream,
A wild, vivid imagination, A fairytale.
Your ability to forget me and move on
Baffles my brain,
I thought you loved me...more than this,
I thought you understood me and my pain
I just can not believe You could be
So unforgiving, so harsh, so mean to me
After the things I have done for you
After I had forgiven you and accepted you.
When no one else did.
But it would be unfair, for you to bear
Such a burden....as my love.
But I cared for you, I loved you,
I opened up my life, my mind and my heart
To You
In a way I had never yet done,
But Only because I thought you were the One.
Thursday, 7 March 2013
Lost Love (part 1)
You came, you found me, You touched me, you loved me.
You became the epitome,
Of everything I believed love could ever be.
With your patient love and tender devotion, You opened my heart to a new emotion.
You showed me a future, a different life, one where I envisioned myself as your wife.
You groomed me until I was well refined, and to show my gratitude,

But I got contented and took your love for granted,
I had issues and needed to vent it,
It's a pity that you were the outlet I choose,
It's like getting pricked from a torn growing on your very own rose.
For this I am truly sorry, but you know what they say,,,
"Sorry doh pass curry"
But I truly never believed you would really bite the dust.
I always believed you loved me more than this, hmmm,
Can't believe these bitter enemies once shared pure bliss.
Can't believe that pure bliss is now distant memories,
Can't believe these memories will one day, fade away.
All The While...
All the while I couldn't let you go, I couldn't accept that we weren't together anymore, I just couldn't understand that you didn't want to be with me.
All the while I felt it was because I loved you too much to let you go, I felt I loved you too much to accept we weren't together any more.
All the while I truly believed I was holding on to Love.
Now I have realised that holding on to you, dragging us both through the heart wrenching drama every single time, forcing us to the most extreme tests of love, could never be Love.
I realised that again I was being selfish, I was only thinking of me and how I felt.
If I loved you, I would be able to let you go, because your happiness would be my ultimate desire.
If I loved you I would be able to accept that your happiness no longer lies with in me,
And I would distance myself, and quietly bear the pain of my broken heart.
If I loved you, I would want you to be truly happy, even if it meant moving on.
Well, I do love you, with my entire being, with my body, my mind, my heart and my soul.
So I will this time be Selfless, this time I will put your happiness over mine,
And trust in the power of time.
I love you enough to quietly distance myself, and watch you go...
If you ever read this, You know who you are.
I am sorry about everything, but,
All The While...I truly believed I was holding on to love.
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