Writing is my Passion, my Joy, my Love...

Its probably comparable to those cravings experienced by pregnant women,
That undying urge to satisfy and fill your soul with the Only remedy possible...
Like 'The Highlander' who seemed to gain strength with every head his powerful sword claimed, I feel just as mighty every time I hold a pen between my fingers...
Well self praise is no praise, So go ahead, yes YOU and see for yourself,,,and By the way,,,Thanks for your support!

CoCoa Chanel xoxo.

Monday 15 October 2012

The Naked Truth

She was inlove with more than one person. Each filled in where the other lacked. Together, they were the perfect companion.

                           Each saw, nurtured and loved different sides to her, each, for a moment felt totally fulfilling, but yet still, so empty. She loved each differently, but she loved them all genuinely, deeply, and sincerely. Each on their own were not able to completely quell the undeniable emptiness she was cursed with, each, no matter how much they showered their love and attention, still left her yearning for something more, something deeper, something they could not give...
                         There was Jeremy*. She knew without a doubt she loved him and probably in all ways love could love. Since their mothers were best friends before they were born, they grew up intwined in each others lives, they were the same age and were together since they could spell together. Different life paths, friends, situations pulled them away,,,but Destiny Always brought them back. They share an unbelievable bond that cannot be labelled except by the word, Fate. It cannot be broken except by Death, and it cannot be found between anyone else but Them. She would drop everything at his call, and she considered herself 'the wind beneath his wings'. He strived in her love, and even though he took it for granted at times, he knew that, he knew he needed her love as much as she needed his. She loved the fact that he knew every single inch of what made her, her, he knew her past, He knew the person she was expected to be, born to be and wanted to be. He knew she loved him with a love he could not find anywhere else and he didn't even bother to look, He trusted her love. Their love survived the cold bitterness of adolescence, teenage issues, wild and free reckless days, and unlike every other love they'd both experienced elsewhere that faded and fizzled with time, their own love only grew stronger and more certain over the many years, and now both nearing 30yrs, It was the surest thing they both knew. Their intimate moments were totally orgasmic, it could be described as the perfect union, it was completely satisfying. The way her body needed his, the way after all these years ( cause they'd been doing it since they'd been doing it) they still drew such intense emotions from each other, it was always a mixture of sweat, vice, memories, history, love, bittersweetness, fate, destiny...and the Inevitable. They both share the belief that they're each others soulmates...and probably they really are.
                             Then there's Steve*. He is everything she had always dreamt the perfect man should be like. He was patient, gentle, and caring. He was wealthy and generous, He had goals and was ambitous, he was productive and logical, He functioned under pressure and was a real life gentlman, He took care of himself holistically. He was unlike anything she had ever known and she strived and flourished with him. He showed her life through a completely other veiw, he had forever changed her life, Positively. He made her confident, and sexy, he made her respectable and motivated, he gave her a career, he made her a real Woman. She loved him because he was a real man. He was considerate and mature, he listened to her and loved her despite of. She grew to love him and what he had done for her, Because of him, she truly loved herself. She learnt her worth and understood what she represented, He had set a new bench mark for what she loved and needed to love. Their intimate moments were just like him were totally new and life changing, just like him it changed the way she viewed and experienced sex, she learnt alot about herself and her body with him, and their moments were crazy, freaky, but completely beautiful, he made her feel beautiful, and she needed that. Life with him was always unpredictable, exciting, luxurious, action packed, she felt like she was somebody the world needed, He made her feel like she owned the world, and it was almost a perfect feeling.
                             And lastly, David* came along. He came like a thief in the night, he stole all her attention. She was immediately enveloped by him, and the strong aura he had, she was attracted to him like bees to honey. The difference with him though, was the way they connected, it felt spiritual, she felt his spirit, his essence, she felt like she was searching for Him. She felt like they were supposed to meet, their conversations were long and deep. They have so much in common, they knew the same ppl, they limed in the same places, they did the same things, loved the same things and wanted the same things, they were almost 100% compatible,,,except the timing that they met. He, (who she believed is the male version to herself) just like her, was already wrapped up in a complicated past, he had already believed he'd met his soulmate, he just like her was already scarred and jaded by life, but the intense passion they shared was unmistakable. They way they operated in sync with each other to her was unbelievable, he made her question everything she believed, He made her dream of another life, one that she truly and deeply longed for, one where she truly believed she would be contented with. She believes she loves him because she feels that she is supposed to, she feels she should be with him because she should be, with him its way more than wanting him, she feels that she is supposed to have him, its so surreal, He makes her feel totally safe and her spirit his comfortable with his, He is very special to her, the only thing is now may not be their time, He threatens to turn the world she knows upside down...and she feels he is supposed to.
                         Now, she's at a junction where need to choose one, just one, for her own sanity, because as sweet as it all sounds in writing, in reality its a complete, mess, with confusing emotions flying everywhere, feelings and broken hearts on the line, lies and deceit have crept in, and at that rate it could only get uglier and she knows this, she knows everything except Who she should choose.

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