Writing is my Passion, my Joy, my Love...

Its probably comparable to those cravings experienced by pregnant women,
That undying urge to satisfy and fill your soul with the Only remedy possible...
Like 'The Highlander' who seemed to gain strength with every head his powerful sword claimed, I feel just as mighty every time I hold a pen between my fingers...
Well self praise is no praise, So go ahead, yes YOU and see for yourself,,,and By the way,,,Thanks for your support!

CoCoa Chanel xoxo.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Life After You

Genesis : The Journey Begins...

I am finally ready to write again. O! how I missed writing.

Where do I start after all this time?
How do I reopen my mind, to You,
How do I show you everything I've been through?
How to explain, my experience with pain, and heartache,
Well lemme tell you, it wasn't no cake, with the cherry on top,
You know the ones that make your eyes pop,
When you see them in the glass case at the shop,
Nope, it wasn't one of those at all,
But more the thing that makes you bawl,
From deep, deep inside you soul,
That thing makes you feel cold, on a hot day,
It makes you lie and say you're ok, when you're not,
But you feel like an idiot, cuz u can't explain the pain,
The emptiness, the loneliness, the gloom, the tears,
What's worse, you feel like nobody cares,
About these newly developed fears,
That have come to live in your head,
They seem to strap you down to your bed,
And to the constant memory of Time past,
A time that not tears, dreams, wishes or even death
Can bring back...

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