Writing is my Passion, my Joy, my Love...

Its probably comparable to those cravings experienced by pregnant women,
That undying urge to satisfy and fill your soul with the Only remedy possible...
Like 'The Highlander' who seemed to gain strength with every head his powerful sword claimed, I feel just as mighty every time I hold a pen between my fingers...
Well self praise is no praise, So go ahead, yes YOU and see for yourself,,,and By the way,,,Thanks for your support!

CoCoa Chanel xoxo.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

They always said I should write a book on my life...well here goes

Julie Bobb-Murray, a young school teacher, was preparing to have her second child. She had spent the entire school term home on maternity leave.
Then on Friday 6th July 1984, the very last day of the school term, the very last minitues actually 2.55pm to be exact...Chenelle Marina Murray was born.
I was 6lbs 7ozs, very nashy and pink. I am told I was a very independant baby from the getgo, not fussy at all, at least compared to my older sister Sherry Melissa Murray so I doubt I was as angelic as they say.
If I tell you anything else it would be hearsay and this is my story so I'll skip all that and go to what I remember personally...