Writing is my Passion, my Joy, my Love...

Its probably comparable to those cravings experienced by pregnant women,
That undying urge to satisfy and fill your soul with the Only remedy possible...
Like 'The Highlander' who seemed to gain strength with every head his powerful sword claimed, I feel just as mighty every time I hold a pen between my fingers...
Well self praise is no praise, So go ahead, yes YOU and see for yourself,,,and By the way,,,Thanks for your support!

CoCoa Chanel xoxo.

Thursday 23 May 2013

The One...(who stopped loving me)

I think about you every minute of every day,
Your memory consumes me,
And eats away at my sanity.
I question your very memory, your exsistance,
I wonder if you were merely an illusive dream,
A wild, vivid imagination, A fairytale.

Your ability to forget me and move on
Baffles my brain,
I thought you loved me...more than this,
I thought you understood me and my pain
I just can not believe You could be
So unforgiving, so harsh, so mean to me
After the things I have done for you
After I had forgiven you and accepted you.
When no one else did.

But it would be unfair, for you to bear
Such a burden....as my love.
But I cared for you, I loved you,
I opened up my life, my mind and my heart
To You
In a way I had never yet done,
But Only because I thought you were the One.